Head of the Department of Diaspora Affairs at the World Zionist Organization Ms. Gusti Yehoshua-Braverman held an online presentation for a Ukrainian audience

On September 8, 2020, guests of the online studio “Limonad” attended the lecture “Israel-Diaspora Relations, one Nation?!” that was presented by the Head of the Department for Diaspora Affairs at the World Zionist Organization Ms. Gusti Yehoshua-Braverman.

The meeting was held within the framework of the final meeting of the Zionist conference “Aleph-Bet” organized by the Zionist Federation of Ukraine in partnership with Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University. The conference turned to online format in connection with the epidemic.           

As the honored guests of the conference were the Chief Rabbi of the Religious Association of Communities of Progressive Judaism of Ukraine Alexander Dukhovny, Rabbi of the Community of Progressive Judaism in Odessa Yulia Gris, Co-President of the Vaad of Ukraine Josef Zissels and others.

Theodor Herzl creating the World Zionist Organization, sought to implement the idea of ​​the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Over the time, the directory of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) got the new tasks. Today, WZO pays attention not only to issues of repatriation, but also supports the Jewish communities of the Diaspora.

Gusti Braverman told in detail in her presentation about how the ties between Israel and the Diaspora are being strengthened, and how the WZO contributes to this process.

Gusti Braverman noted with regret that in the light of the Arab-Israeli conflict and various political discussions, the concept of Zionism in some countries is acquiring a negative connotation. One of the tasks of the WZO is to expose fakes that related to Arab-Israeli relations in the mass media of European countries in order to form a worthy image of the State of Israel outside its borders.

In the second part of the presentation, Ms. Gusti spoke about the programs that the department entrusted to her deals with. One such program is the project  called Ivision, which provides online sessions on various topics related to Jewish culture.

Acquaintance with the head of the WZO department did not leave the audience indifferent. Gusti Braverman was asked many questions, some of which were answered directly by the speaker during the lecture, and the rest of answers the participants received by e-mail.

The recording of the presentation can be viewed by the link.

Organizers of the event: Department of Diaspora Issues in the World Zionist Organization (WZO), Zionist Federation of Ukraine (SFU), online studio “Limonad-S”.
