On November 29 the decisive moment in history of Israel happened. On this day in 1947 the UN Assembly adopted the Partition Plan for Palestine. It became a crucial step for the international community to recognize Israel as a separate state.
Zoom presentation of the professor of McGill university Gill Troy “Identity Zionism – the answer to the question “Who needs Zionism today?” was provided in honor of this date.
The opening words said executive director of ZFU Elena Zaslavskaya noticing the relevance of studying history of Zionism in post-Soviet countries and rabbi Dov Lipman - a former member of Knesset, one of the heads of the World Confederation of United Zionists.
Professor Gill Troy – an American historian, politician analyst, author of over ten books, told about his understanding of the term “Identity”. Gill Troy, as many Jewish Americans, knows about traditions of Eastern European Jewry from his grandfather that came from Ukraine.
Mr Troy stressed the importance of keeping a positive image of the State of Israel.
The meeting was organized by the World Confederation of United Zionists (WCUS) in partnership with Zionist Federation of Ukraine (ZFU), Zionist Federation of Germany and Association of Jewish Organizations (Vaad) of Ukraine at the online platform “Limonad”E. Zaslavskaya for the website of online studio “Limonad”.
The meeting took place as part of the project “Ukraine in Zionist world” supported by Department of Diaspora Affairs at WZO.
The ether also joined a Minister of high education and water resources Zeev Elkin. He noticed a symbolic meaning of providing such events for the people of East European countries – the territories where actually was born practical Zionism. Zeev Elkin answered many questions from the auditory.
“Zionist identity can be diversified by many aspects, but the main principle is realizing of your relation to Erez Israel, people of Israel and State of Israel. It has been staying constant for many years. The love to the people begins from the love to your nation” – with these words Mr Troy finished his talk.
Recording of the lecture is acceptable via link.